Market access, innovative financing and digital platform for Purchase OrderĀ Trade & Supply Chain Financing


Current pains

  • Complex, repetitive, costly and manual trade finance and supply chain processes involving several opaque parties.

  • Low access and high cost of financing for emerging markets MSMEs, local content participants and minority suppliers who are labelled high risk and uncreditworthy

  • Information asymmetry between multiple parties creates execution, traceability and coordination problems.


Our Solution

  • One stop interoperability layer, connecting the multiple finance & supply chain participants.

  • Combining financing with physical supply chain visibility provides transparency to reduce execution risks and MSME credit exposure.

  • Integrated multi-party trade and supply chain finance marketplace rather than a distinct bank service offering.


Our Offer

  • Access to multiple innovative financing options and tools.
  • Supply chain transparency with effective order management and visibility to minimise execution risk.
  • Facilitating and underwriting the import and purchase order financing transactions.
  • schedule

    Next-gen technology

  • We provide finance and supply chain interoperability to level the playing field for MSMEs and suppliers.
  • Our solution removes financing hurdles and improves risk management for MSMEs and suppliers.
  • Our solution provides finance for MSMEs and suppliers to large multinational purchasers, especially in developing markets.
  • currencies

    Cowries Marketplace

    Cowries connects supply chain partners with entities who are willing to insure and finance their bids, purchase orders, payables, and/or receivables. Companies can thereby improve their cash conversion cycle at optimised rates. Partners get the benefit of lower cost of funds, while funders benefit from the platform's lead generation and structures, to streamline processes, lower their costs and mitigate risks.

    An exceptional finance and technology team
    with global expertise

    Karan Sawhney

    Co-founder & CIO/CFO

    Naum Shapkarovski


    Kofi F. Agyei


    COWRIES is a Stircase LTD venture